In 1963, Mattel introduced the world to Midge, best friend to the classic Barbie doll. To celebrate her 60th Anniversary, we created this collectible reproduction of her original beachy look: a classic two-piece yellow and orange swimsuit with white-heeled mules. She features her classic freckled face sculpt and titan hair with rolled bangs and bouncy curls, but this is the first time she has a Silkstone body. With a vintage wrist tag and the classic Midge logo on her doll stand, this Midge doll is the perfect addition to any collection.
- 60th Anniversary Midge™ Doll
- Designer: Bill Greening
- Label: Gold
- Facial Sculpt: Midge
- Body Type: Silkstone Articulated
Includes doll stand and Certificate of Authenticity. Doll cannot stand alone. Color and decorations may vary.
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